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Are You Eligible for an Award?
Here is a list of some current open lawsuits and investigations. The purpose of this section is to provide consumers with a resource on class action and mass tort lawsuits. Attorneys are either actively filing these cases or investigating to determine whether lawsuits can be filed. The list is updated frequently, so check back soon for updates. Click the links below to learn more about each one and to determine if you may be eligible for financial compensation.
Have you taken blood thinner Xarelto®?
A Xarelto® lawsuit has been filed against Bayer AG and Janssen, the manufacturers of of this drug, alleging that the side effects include an increase in risk of internal bleeding and strokes. The Plaintiff in the lawsuit claims that the manufacturers of Xarelto® did not adequately warn consumers about the associated risks. If you or a loved one experienced has had a failed hip implant, you could be entitled to financial compensation: Click here to find out more.
Diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma?
While smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer, working with or being near certain hazardous materials can be just as lethal. Asbestos is one such carcinogen and it can cause mesothelioma. An estimated $30 Billion in court-ordered trust money has been set aside by manufacturers of asbestos-containing products to pay out claims to victims of exposure. If during the 1950’s, 60’s, or 70’s while at work or serving our country, you or a loved one were exposed to Asbestos, you may be entitled to access trust funds, grants, and other forms of compensation now. Click here to find out more.
Have you had side effects after taking Risperdal?
Risperdal lawsuits are mounting in courts around the country on behalf of men and boys who allegedly developed gynecomastia, or male breast growth, after taking the drug Risperdal. Johnson & Johnson has already settled a handful of claims as the litigation surrounding the medication continues to grow. Studies have indicated that use of Risperdal may cause male breast development. If you or a loved one experienced side effects as a result of using Risperdal, you could be entitled to serious financial compensation. Click here to find out more.
Complications after having an IVC filter implanted?
Between 2005 and 2010 the FDA reported receiving 921 claims of adverse events regarding Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filters. In May 2014 the FDA issued a safety warning advocating for a specified ideal window for device retrieval, however, retrieving and removing devices has proven to be problematic as well. If you or a loved has had a failed IV filter implant, you could be entitled to serious financial compensation. Click here to find out more.
Have you had issues following a hip implant?
Hip implant manufacturers have recalled certain metal hip implants after they were linked to high failure rates. Complications from implants can immobilize people and interfere with their ability to work or take care of their families. A faulty hip implant is devastating both financially and physically. By filing a lawsuit, you can help regain some of what you or a loved one has lost because of a defective product and help start you on the road to recover. If you or a loved one has had a failed hip implant, you could be entitled to serious financial compensation. Click here to find out more.
Complications after a Transvaginal Mesh Implant?
Several women have required multiple revision surgeries to manage complications and symptoms as a result of receiving a transvaginal mesh. There are more than 49,000 federal lawsuits against seven mesh manufacturers filed in the courts. The manufacturers include Boston Scientific, C.R. Bard, American Medical Systems, Ethicon, Coloplast, Cook Medical, and Neomedic. These injuries can hinder several activities including sitting, walking and sexual intercourse. If you have been injured due to receiving a transvaginal mesh, you could be entitled to compensation. Click here to find out more.